The whole ad industry has gotten its panties in a twist over the $300 million
Crispin Porter + Bogusky Microsoft ad campaign. There has been a lot of discussion, a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking, and a lot of incorrect assumptions.
I want to go over the facts of the matter here, but I'll save it for
next week. For now, let's just go over the latest iteration,, a supposedly user-generated site with "I'm a PC" testimonials. My initial thought here is that if MS wants to combat
the John Hodgman-as-PC image, it shouldn't try to drown out Hodgman/Apple with a chorus of nobodies but instead create a strong character of its own.
I like Pharrel Williams, but he just doesn't cut it here...and what was that philosophical tangent about the future of technology all about? Where does that celebrity confidence to talk about complicated issues they know little about inarticulately come from?