Post-Advertising Survival Guide Vol 6: Introduction to Search Marketing

Search marketing, both organic and paid, is extremely important to digital marketers that want to increase their presence online. A seemingly endless number of users are out there searching for your brand, products, services, etc., using search engines such as Google and Bing. Because of this, there is a major opportunity for your brand to use search marketing to expand your audience and market share. But the question arises: are you doing everything you can to be found by these search engines?


Post-Advertising Survival Guide Vol 5: Introduction to Social Media

Social media has emerged on the marketing landscape and quickly helped redefine how brands market to today’s always-connected consumer. Tools like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram have created two-way avenues of communication and media sharing between brands and their audiences. The possibilities seem endless, and many brands that have yet to embrace these tools are peering down off the edge of the diving board, ready to make a big splash. But it’s not that easy.


Post-Advertising Survival Guide, Vol 4: Developing Branded Video Games

The video-game industry is growing by leaps and bounds, and the software used to develop games is cheaper, easier to use and accessible to everyone. The 21st-century game developer doesn’t need a $500 million budget, a special seal of approval from Nintendo or to go through the bureaucracy of console manufacturers to get his game published. All he needs is the proper software, his own device to test on and the talent to make his game come to life.


Post-Advertising Survival Guide, Vol 3: Twitter Best Practices

The global convergence of mobile, social and computer technologies is well on its way to putting a smart wireless communication device in every pocket. What will it mean for society when anybody on Earth can connect instantly with anyone and everyone? Nothing offers a better glimpse of the bold new future than Twitter.


Post-Advertising Survival Guide, Vol 2: Audience Management

As a brand, it's not enough just to draw in traffic; you need to help create, maintain and support a community. And to do that, you need to know how to answer a few simple questions:


Post-Advertising Survival Guide, Vol. 1: Nudge Marketing

There’s a lot of talk at the moment about nudge marketing, a theory based on behavioral economics. It describes the power of “choice architecture,” the art of arranging seemingly equivalent options so that more people will make one particular choice. This proposition is especially potent for the social web, which Obama’s election team harnessed so well in the campaign to win the White House and which was imitated by the UK’s Tory party in the 2010 election.
