5 Rules for Brands to Avoid Being “Pruned” From Social Profiles

Breaking news: Young people care about their reputation and appearance!

Well, maybe that's not such a hot scoop, but when you add the words online and social media, the ears of brand managers everywhere start to perk up. According to a new study, nearly two thirds of people on social networks are engaging in “profile pruning,” carefully curating their own social profiles by deleting posts, comments, tags and friends. In order to stay in the fertile flower beds of young social-media users, brands must follow their rules to avoid getting pruned. Cue gardening metaphors.


Crowdsourced! Eight Ways to Involve Your Most Important Allies

Brand-hatched crowdsourcing is nothing new. But constructive crowdsourcing with usable output? Crowdsourcing that evokes a palpable sense of togetherness? That’s new. Steps being taken by nimble branders like Warby Parker and Betabrand to engage (and we mean really engage) fans and enthrall newcomers will soon become tomorrow’s staples for sourcing success.

Want in on the unique new ways brands can use advanced crowdsourcing to engage followers? Read on. Each of the eight ideas we’ve carefully chosen has the potential to send your engagement numbers through the roof, as long as requests are within reason and rewards are provided.

The Storytelling Matrix

Enter the Storytelling Matrix — No Red Pill Required

BREAKING NEWS: Storytelling is the most engaging way for a brand to interact with consumers.

OK, that’s hardly a new point of view, although you’d be excused for thinking so as it’s recently gained new cache through the wise words of Tom Peters, IBM’s Jon Iwata, Tom Foremski, Levi’s jeans, and many others.

The Storytelling Matrix, however, takes the science of storytelling to new levels of sophistication and complexity. Ready to find out how deep the rabbit hole goes?


Levi’s Tells An Odd, Out-of-place Story, But a Story Nonetheless

While it may not be revolutionary, Levi's "Go Forth" campaign has taken up a storytelling-as-advertising approach that is, while perhaps not conceived and executed as well as it could be, a cut above many other foot draggers.