A Story about the Future of Advertising
The latest news from the upper-echelons of marketing and advertising is that storytelling is the path to advertising’s future. There’s still a lot of what can be called “TV thinking” hanging on stubbornly, but no one any longer denies the basics — which, if you’ll allow us a short moment of tooting our own horn, is exactly what we’ve been preaching at Story Worldwide for the past five years.How to Tell a New Consumer Brand Story for an Already-Established Brand
So, your client is a known consumer brand that has a NEW story to tell. That’s right, after years of working tirelessly to get out the perfect, authentic brand message, that message has now changed. It’s not because the old message wasn’t great; rather, it’s because the product has changed. In fact, it has improved, and thus the brand’s story also needs to evolve to reach a similar level of brand enlightenment. The trick is figuring out exactly how to tell this new story to the world…